Madison High School
Class of 1966

Old Photos
Enjoy these photos mostly of our grade school days. Precious photos, precious kids, precious community!
Note: If you have other class photos, submit them in the Message Forum and I will copy them here. Please include school, grade, and teacher. If anyone has corrections to any of these descriptions, please send a message to Scott Dixon with the corrected description and I will fix the problem.
Photo above: Adams 1st Grade, teacher: Mrs. Bigler
Photo above: Burton 1st Grade, teacher: Mrs. Larsen ?
Photo above: Adams 2nd Grade, teacher: Mrs. Madsen (left)
Photo above: Adams 3rd Grade, teacher: Mrs. Teuscher (left)
Photo above: Adams 4th Grade, teacher: Mrs. Kinghorn (right)
Photo above: Burton 4th Grade, teacher: ?
Photo above: Hibbard / Burton Grade ?: teacher: Mrs. Beattie
Photo above: Washington 5th Grade, teacher: Mr. Oswald (right)
Photo above: Burton 5th Grade, teacher: Mr. Ringel
Photo above: Washington 6th Grade, teacher: Mrs. Johnson
Photo above: Burton 6th Grade home room class, teacher: Mr. Cooper
Photo above: Washington 6th Grade, teacher: Mr. Pederson
Photo above: Washington 6th Grade, teacher: Mr. Pederson
Photo above: Burton 6th Grade, teacher: Mr. Ward
Photo above: Washington 6th Grade, teacher: Mr. Smith
Photo above: Burton ? Grade, teacher: Mr. Anderson
Madison High School graduating Class of 1966 on the East steps of the Rexburg Tabernacle. Our Principal was Val Dalling (lower right)
Special Video:
Youtube video of grade school pictures and selected past reunions by Ellen Davenport Seader: View
The picture above shows Madison H S under construction (lower left corner) circa 1955. Our thanks to Randy Porter for providing the picture taken by his father.
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